Thursday, 18 January 2018

Healthy And Effective Living: How to lower Your Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease

The advancement in technology has really helped in making a healthy and effective living a reality. But as many benefits are being derived from technology through the introduction of drugs into our daily life, yet great concern is also accommodated to series of ways in which drugs are being used and misused among us. The terrifying part about  drug use is that it is likely possible that drugs at times can actually be the catalyst to creating even more health problems if care is not taken.

The important point to take note of is how possible is it to significantly reduce the risk of many diseases even before we are being affected in whatever way. Series of efforts have been put in place to ensure that illness and diseases are put at bay. Researches have shown that the amount of exercise we engages on in our daily lives is directly related to years lived without cardiovascular disease.

You need to know that walking for at least 30 minutes a day can go a long way to elongate your life by 1.3 years and add another 1.1 years of healthy living that is devoid of any ailment whatsoever. The study also reflects that those with even low activity levels healthy status is positively inclined than those that don’t engage in physical exercises at all.

As clearly stated, taking part in different types of exercises can help you take total control of your health. And you need yo know that having a better understanding of how to do it will assist you to prevent all sorts of diseases especially breast cancer among women. You equally need to know that the extent of physical exercises you take part in over time will determine your level of doggedness and perseverance to keep diseases at away. For example, walking for about 30 minutes a day can help to reduce your risk level by 30%, while walking for about 45 minutes a day also can help to reduce your risk by 45%.

Taking part in exercises can as well prevent other forms of diseases and can also help prevent or reduce depressions and diminish the levels of bone loss. Just let me use this opportunity to inform you that taking total control of your health is highly important to you and in fact, walking is just one of those things you can engage on daily basis that will help to put contacting diseases into check. You’ll also have to know that taking part in exercises can put an end to a long list of diseases especially if done right at the right time and in the right proportion. You can register in any gym centre or consult a registered instructor to get more information on how to take part in physical exercises.

A good example of somebody who takes part in physical exercises is likened to a river. Remember a river that has a steady flow is full of life and is always clear and refreshing. Then, all the creatures therein such as fish, the frogs, the turtles and others creatures living in such water are always flourishing as the water is always clean, fully aerated and fresh. However a  river that is stagnant can’t offer any much benefits to its inhabitant. 

Well, you can imagine the smell and the look of such water and its surroundings. They are always eyesore and irritating. A stagnating river is dying, as are all living things therein. This is a good illustration of how our bodies work. When we incorporate daily exercise in our lives, we are helping our bodies rid itself of many things that will initiate it to stagnate.

Walking increases our blood flow as our hearts beat faster. This activity promotes a healthful flow of fluids throughout our bodies and increases the ability to eliminate 
harmful toxins that build up in our bodies and promote disease.

You have to remember the earlier illustration every day to remind you of any disservice you’re doing to yourself for not taking part in exercises daily. Every day you do not walk, think about the stagnant river. Think of how such river water smells and how the water looks. Think of the dead fish and the decaying plants. Think of how that river is slowly dying. This will show you how important it is to exercise your body.

Perhaps knowing that your river of life is growing stagnant inside you without a daily walk will be a motivating factor in helping you to find the time and energy to add it into your daily routine to ensure you have a healthy life.

As you’re starting out, you may not find it easy and only able to walk a few minutes per day. Take it slow and add more time to your walks as you build up the strength and staying power for a long shot. And remember, you have a better chance to discuss your new walking routine with your physician if you have any doubts as to whether it is something you personally can do on your own or you need help.

The stated above points are just some of what you can do to reduce subjecting yourself to contacting diseases or risk the chance of getting sick. Avail yourself every opportunity to make life more meaningful to you as you guide against living a disease-prone life. 

Thank you

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