Hi, I really want to share an important post with you today and it has to do with one dreaded disease that is spreading like wildfire among the people and I believe giving more insights into what the disease is all about is highly essential to guide against more people contacting this disease. This disease is called Diabetes. This post is very important because it is the introductory aspect of one book I am writing on Diabetes and I believe everybody has one or two things to gain from getting this book. This book will be launched soon. The introduction of the book goes thus:
With diabetes moving
towards being an epidemic today, it is highly essential that you know exactly
what the disease is all about. And, why is that? Well, this is for no other
reason than to prevent you from contacting this disease! It is deadly
especially, if not detected or controlled in time. Having a better understanding of this disease
is highly important to live a healthy, purposeful and better life.
In layman terms, “diabetes”
is the inability of the body to process sugars properly. This is a disease that
is known to be affecting quite a large number of people in both the developed
and undeveloped nations of the world. With the world’s population at an
all-time high in weight gain and low in health care delivery in some countries
countries inclusive), the problems associated with diabetes is growing
at an alarming rate. Diabetes is a disease of the metabolism. Our metabolism is
defined as the way our bodies make use of digested food for energy and growth.
Most food processed through
our bodies is broken down by digestive juices into a sugar called glucose.
Glucose is the fuel our bodies run on. And, anytime we eat, and our food is
processed, the pancreas is supposed to produce the right amount of glucose from
our blood automatically and release the right amount of insulin into our blood.
When we eat or drink, our
“pancreas” produces a hormone called “insulin”. Insulin is released into the
blood and helps to regulate the amount of glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream.
Diabetes is a condition where this process does not function correctly.
However, in people with
diabetes, little to no insulin is produced or the body’s cells don’t respond
correctly to the insulin that is being produced. Therefore, the glucose builds
up and overflows into the urine and passes out of the body. This is how the
body loses its main source of fuel even though the bloodstream contains good
amounts of the natural glucose.
The reason why diabetes occurs is
because no insulin is being produced (often called Type 1 Diabetes) and
requires the sufferer to use insulin injections, or insulin is produced but the
body becomes resistant to it. This renders the insulin ineffective. This is
normally called Type 2 Diabetes and is rapidly becoming more common.
{To be continued}
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